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Humans Have Their Uses…..

By April 19, 2018Stories

We have just moved to Alexandra in country Victoria and have already had an interesting encounter with one of the local residents.

The other night I heard some scuffling in the front yard. I went to investigate thinking that it was probably a possum. It turned out to be a very friendly and excited dog. She looked like a kelpie cross. We shared a brief hello and she readily accepted a quick cuddle. However, without warning, she disappeared at speed across the road to where, I assume, home was. It seemed like very strange behaviour as if she was a little embarrassed at being discovered checking out our front yard.

I went inside but shortly she was back, this time at the front door. Again she was very excited to see me and we had a brief cuddle before she repeated her rapid retreat. This time I noticed that she did not enter the property that she ran to but was instead lying down in front of the gate as if to get my attention. She was definitely looking back in my direction as if to say “well, come on….”

I grabbed my shoes and went over to her. She was very excited to see me and gestured (I can’t think of any other way to describe it) toward the gate. It was obvious that she wanted me to open it. I did so and she ran happily through it and I never saw her again.

It’s always hard to know what is on an animal’s mind but it certainly seemed to me that she had visited for the sole purpose of getting our attention so that we could perform this little service for her. Perhaps she was inadvertently locked out or something.

Maybe I’ll have to ask her next time we meet and are more formally introduced!